Illustration Prints

Original Artworks

Fine Art Prints

Victoria FitzGerald - Abstract Artist and Digital Illustrations

New Series - “Red Dirt” and “Gold Dirt” mini paintings.

Experimenting with small canvas panels, my new series explores the relationship between sky and ground.

Each canvas has a “Red Dirt” or “Gold Dirt” lower section and then various combinations of abstract cloud formations.

Meet the artist

Close up corner detail of black textured paint

The process.

I start all my paintings with a mix of acrylic paint and molding paste to create a thick base.

Then I use rich and vibrant oil paints to complete the paintings story.

Victoria FitzGerald is a mixed media artist whose work moves between tactile textural abstract art and digital illustration.

She is interested in exploring texture and vibrant colours with light and dark tones so the finished work ‘dances’ in people’s eyes. They are an exploration of flow and movement, using sweeping sculptural textures and sharp lines to complement each other.

Victoria FitzGerald Melbourne Abstract Artist Profile Picture 2022

Victoria FitzGerald

Follow my journey on Instagram for behind the scenes and works in progress